CPE Renewable Investment Unit Trust
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CPE Renewable Investment Unit Trust
CPE Renewable Investment Unit Trust develop, own and operate multi-utility assets at residential, commercial and industrial buildings. CPERI has partnered with a project developer, CleanPeak Energy, who is responsible for delivering the development projects through construction and to operation. The portfolio includes four operational multi-utility sites, as well as 52 operational or under construction rooftop solar, utility-scale solar and battery assets for commercial and industrial clients. Once construction is complete, the portfolio will have 117.2MW of solar capacity, 81.2MWh of battery capacity and c. 139MW of thermal capacity. The portfolio benefits from long-term energy sale contracts with a range of diverse commercial, industrial and residential customers.
- Location: Australia
- Sector: Renewable energy
- Risk Classification: contracted
- Initial Acquisition date: Apr 2019
- Governance: joint
- Website: cleanpeakenergy.com.au/